Thursday, December 13, 2012

Featured in the Phoenix!


This week, something super exciting happened - my business appeared in a real, printed magazine for the first time. The Boston Phoenix did a feature on Bazaar Bizarre, with a suggested gift guide, and they included me! I really couldn't be more thrilled!


Other than that, my week continues to be filled with yarn dyeing and knitting. It's hard to believe that this time next week the holiday rush will be over!

That book up there? Don't be fooled, I don't actually have time to read. But I bought it so I can reward myself after this weekend. I know I'm a little behind the times, but I hear it's a great book. Have you read it?


  1. Congratulations on your print mention. How sweet it is. I may have read Water for Elephants but my reading retention is sooooooooo bad I'm known for reading all of Agatha Christie without realizing there was a continuing character. (Well, several, actually.) I'm thinking WfE was a good read. Enjoy!

    1. Wow, I'm so late replying! Thank you, I am so happy to have been featured! I've only had time to read the first 6 pages of Water for Elephants so far, but so far so good! :)
