Thursday, January 17, 2013


As I went through the photos from this trip, I realized I don't actually have a lot of "show and tell" type photos - it was a completely family-centered vacation, with mostly goofy family photos. In truth, I hardly ever pulled my camera out at all. It doesn't make for a great "blog worthy" trip, but it was perfect on a personal level. We hadn't gathered this much of my family in one place in many years, and it was great. The kind of vacation that fills you with joy, and breaks your heart a little when you leave.

However - I do have a handful of photos to share on here. My father wanted a very memorable New Year's Ever for the family, so we all hopped in a van and went out to Copacaba beach. Every year, there is a fantastic and very long firework show. It was my first time going to Copabana for New Year's, and I'm glad I did manage to snag some photos!


How did you spend your New Year's Eve?

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