Monday, June 27, 2011

Homemade: Freezer Jam

Did you guys know about freezer jam? I hadn't heard about it until last week. When the lazy person in me realized I could make jam with 15 minutes of effort and no cooking, I had to try it. So Friday night I mixed up a quart of strawberries, 4 cups of sugar, lemon juice and some pectin. By Saturday afternoon, I had delicious fresh jam. And all I had to do was let it sit out on the counter.


Next time I would like to try the low sugar version, but overall I highly recommend freezer jam. So much easier to make, and it tastes fresher because the fruit isn't cooked. Have you ever tried it?

One thing I noticed was that most packets of pectin won't say "freezer jam" on them but will list ingredients for both regular cooked jam and a "quick and easy" version. The quick and easy version is freezer jam, so don't worry if you can't find "freezer jam pectin."


  1. Oh heck yeah! My grandmother has always been making this stuff. I have a jar she made me at home, actually :D

  2. Maybe one of these days I'll upgrade to "grownup jam" (aka cooked jam), but for now I'm liking the lazy route! Nate can't stop eating it :o)
