Wednesday, June 22, 2011

On my needles

Here's a sneak peek at the knitting projects I'm working on this week. I'm really excited about the new designs I've been working on for the shop!

I wrote the pattern for these little flowers a couple of weeks ago and now I can't stop making them. I tend to get a little obsessive when I come up with a new design I like.


I just added a mitten line to my shop, and made test mittens for me and Nate to figure out the standardized sizing. I'm kind of amused by the size difference between his hands and mine.

I'm not really sure what these skeins of cotton will become, but I'm loving the colors. I admit I'm kind of a yarn hoarder. What projects are keeping you busy this week?


  1. I'm supposed to be (see: procrastinating) working on some macrame hemp necklaces. In 3 weeks I'll be heading to a giant outdoor electronic music hippie festival and I'm hoping to sell some of my work there.

  2. I have some crocheting I need to do--a baby afghan definitely. Plus I want to try making some cat toys and scarves, and anything else that I might come up with!

  3. Those all sound like great projects! I don't know how to macrame hemp, but cat toys are definitely on my to-do list :o)
