Monday, November 19, 2012

Meeting Barbara Kingsolver

Last week, I went to see Barbara Kingsolver in Cambridge. She read from her new book, Flight Behavior, and had a discussion about literature and environmental issues with the audience. She is a fascinating speaker. My favorite part was when she talked about leaving her PhD work to become a writer. She said there was a moment when she realized that if she worked really hard and did a great job, her dissertation would be read by 11 people. She then left academia because she wanted to reach out to more people.

She has been one of my favorite authors since I read Poisonwood Bible many, many years ago. I also enjoyed Animal Dreams and Bean Trees. In this book, according to her own description, she uses the stories of people to discuss an issue no one wants to talk about: climate change.


Kingsolver said she loves first sentences. I have to agree with her - the first sentence can make or break a book. And how can you not love all the possibility contained in a first sentence?

It will take me a while to get through this book as I keep up with the fall schedule, but I'm excited for this read. Have you read any good books lately?


  1. Kingsolver is one of my favorites,too. I really enjoyed her "Lacuna" because I'm also a big fan of Frida Kahlo. "Flight Behavior" will be next on my list after I finish "On a Farther Shore: The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson" by William Souder.
    Happy Reading and Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Oh I've never read Lacuna and I LOVE Frida Kahlo!! I'm so glad you mentioned this, I must add this to my reading list immediate!
      Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
